More should be done to reduce sugar in coffee shop drinks says our poll

Should more be done about the sugar levels in seasonal drinks in coffee shops?Should more be done about the sugar levels in seasonal drinks in coffee shops?
Should more be done about the sugar levels in seasonal drinks in coffee shops?
Seasonal coffees and hot chocolates sold in some coffee chains can contain up to 23 spoonfuls of sugar per cup, according to a study of over 200 drinks by pressure group Action on Sugar.

In our Facebook poll we asked: “Do you think coffee shops and cafes need to take greater steps to reduce their levels of sugar and portion sizes? At the time of writing, 360 people had voted, with 64% saying yes, 36% no.

Peter Twidale said: “Some seasonal drinks do, some don’t. If you’re worried about sugar then don’t buy them, leave them for me.”

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Adam Rollinson said: “People need to take some responsibility instead of relying on the nanny state running their lives.”

Kathleen Verrall thinks: “Better still. Let people choose for themselves! If people are willing to pay extortionate price for these drinks, let them! Its called freedom of choice!”

Michael Jones said: “As long as the information is clearly available, why can’t people take personal responsibility?”

Karl Burgess agreed with Michael, saying: “I voted yes, but instantly had this exact same thought (as Michael). I'm assuming that the coffees are aimed at adults, so surely it's up to them.”

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Trevor Craddy said: “I voted no. Surely it's up to the individual to decide whether or not to put stuff like this in their bodies.”

William Harvey posted: “Personal choice if you ask me. After all if you order a coffee with ‘flavoured syrup’ or ‘hot chocolate’, surely you are aware it will be sugary. If not you should not be let loose with money.”