13 things you said about South Tyneside councillors giving themselves a pay rise

South Tyneside Council have voted themselves a 1% pay rise.South Tyneside Council have voted themselves a 1% pay rise.
South Tyneside Council have voted themselves a 1% pay rise.
South Tyneside Council has voted to increase members' allowances by 1%, despite the fact the authority is £542million in debt.

The proposal was accepted unanimously, without debate, at a meeting of the full council at Jarrow Town Hall last night.

Here's some of your comments on the controversial move.

Daniel Welsh: "The biggest threat to front line services are the councillors elected to protect them!"

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Lynn Mills: "Well, that's such a surprise isn't it? They've got bare-faced cheek!!But who voted them in? Get this labour council OUT!!"

Hazel Neve: "I wonder where the cuts are going to be to fund their expenses?"

Nathaniel Bicker: "Nice to see the people who represent the people doing what they do best... ignoring the people. Democracy eh?"

Lizzy Annie: "No pay rises to workers for 8 years. Cuts to front line services year after year. Services on their knees and staff still trying to do the job they signed up for. Its hard working in the environment as it is let alone knowing that money needed desperately for services is going to individuals intent on lining their own pockets. Disgraceful when i have seen colleagues lose their jobs due to cuts. SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!"

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Jim Leeder: "Seems their top funding priority is their own pockets."

Kevin Thornton: "Give them minimum wage if they are truly working for the normal bloke on the street."

Nicola Paulsen: "Same old story, the privileged voting for their pay rise while there are cut backs on everything else."

Elaine Francis: "Seems they can do what they like and clearly hold in contempt anyone who dares to speak out or question them, including their own members."

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Paul Nyberg: "More self-serving politicians. This doesn't have anything to do with which side of politics you fall on. This has everything to do with people being self-centred and not caring about the people they're elected to help!"

Heather Amar: "Bet they all turned out for this meeting! Absolute disgrace when they are cutting services to education and elderly care. Council workers haven't had a pay rise for years. Maybe they should practice what they preach!"

Stuart Henley Wells: "They already get enough money as it already is. Why not give some of that money back to the hard-working people of South Shields?"

Sherina McGee: "This is a disgrace. They have increased my council tax and I can barely manage to pay it now. but they don't think about how people will struggle to find the money to pay for their pay rises. They haven't had one since 2008. Well, lots of people don't ever get a pay rise. The town has debt, so do'nt increase it for your own personal gain."