Call for barriers after car smashes into garden wall

The damaged wall on Perth AvenueThe damaged wall on Perth Avenue
The damaged wall on Perth Avenue
An elderly couple have spoken of their shock at finding a car had smashed into their garden wall.

Pat and Tommy McGurty were inside the property in Perth Avenue, Jarrow, when they heard a huge bang outside.

When they went out to see what had caused the sound, the found a black car had rolled into their garden wall - demolishing part of it.

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Half-an hour earlier, their great-grandson had been playing in the front garden.

Th couple say it is the second time in two months a car has careered into garden walls on the stretch of road.

Their neighbours are currently awaiting council workers to come out to repair their wall after a car smashed it several weeks ago.

The couple are now calling on the council to put barriers up outside their home to prevent the situation from happening again. Mrs McGurty said: “We just heard a loud bang and when we come out, we saw the car had crashed into the wall.

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“There was no one in it. The handbrake wasn’t on. Half an hour earlier my little great-grandson was in the garden playing. I dread to think what would have happened if he’d still been there.

“My neighbour had his done eight weeks ago, same thing a car went into his wall.”

She added: “I’m frightened the next time, the car could come into the house. There needs to be barriers put up.

“We have lived in this property for the past 50 years and the traffic is getting worse. They are just racing around the roads.

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“I have been in touch with the council and they are sending someone to clear up the mess, but we have been told it’s going to take 12 weeks for the wall to be fixed.”

A spokesman for South Tyneside Council said: “Work is due to get underway to repair the wall. However there is no legal responsibility for the council to protect properties from careless drivers.

“We would always urge motorists to drive with due care and attention in this area and to respect the speed limit.”