Baseball bat beating by South Shields man left innocent victim battered and suicidal

Newcastle Crown Court.Newcastle Crown Court.
Newcastle Crown Court.
Newcastle Crown Court heard that the assault was reported to the police while he was in hospital.

A man was left suicidal after he was lured to his friend's flat and beaten with a baseball bat after being wrongly accused of being a burglar.

Jordan Pulling, 28, and James Rutherford, 21, punched and kicked their victim at their mutual friend Tom Eglintine's home in February 2020.

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Newcastle Crown Court heard that the men wrongly believed the complainant had earlier broken into Pulling's flat in Woodside, Sunderland.

The man suffered broken ribs, a fractured finger, and a punctured lung in the attack.

Neil Pallister, prosecuting, said: "Jordan Pulling had reported to his landlord that his flat had been burgled.

"The defendants believed the complainant was responsible for the burglary.

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"He wasn't. However, in their belief that he was, (the complainant) was lured to Eglintine's flat where he was then assaulted by Pulling and Rutherford while Eglintine kept a look out."

Mr Pallister said that Eglintine had previously texted the victim to ask if he wanted to attend his flat for a drink to which he accepted.

The court heard that when he arrived, he saw Rutherford, who he recognised as a friend of Eglintine, and Pulling, who he did not know.

However, Pulling and Rutherford then set about beating the man by first pulling him to the floor before inflicting a number of punches and kicks while he pleaded with them to stop.

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Mr Pallister added: "James Rutherford then went into the kitchen and came back with a black baseball bat and began to beat him to the head and body with it."

Rutherford then demanded £300 and threatened to return to kill him if he didn't pay it. Threats were also made to drown him in a bath.

The court heard that the victim was eventually allowed to leave and the assault was reported to the police while he was in hospital.

Eglintine, of Engleman Way, Sunderland; Pulling, of Hollyhill Gradens West, Stanley, Durham; and Rutherford, of Beaufront Terrace, South Shields, were all arrested and later pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm.

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In an impact statement, the victim said he had since tried to take his own life.

He said: "Since this assault happened to me in February 2020, I've simply not been able to live my life like I used to before.

"I have to remind myself 24/7 these three won't be able to hurt me today.

"I already suffered from anxiety and depression before this incident. I didn't deserve this, I did nothing wrong.

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"I want the life back that I had before they took it away from me."

Liam O'Brien, defending Pulling, said: "Mr Pulling is in a difficult position.

"There are difficulties in Mr Pulling's life at present which taken together may in combination bring his sentence down to a position where it would be possible to suspend it."

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Fiona Lamb, for Rutherford, told the court he has spent the majority of the time since the incident in custody, where he is trusted to carry out certain jobs.

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Miss Lamb added that a job offer from his mother's partner was on the table upon his release.

Tony Davis, for Eglingtine, said his client was bitterly remorseful for what happened to his former friend.

Ms Recorder Caroline Sellars labelled the incident as "absolutely awful" but said she was just able to suspend the sentences for Eglintine and Pulling.

The judge said she believed it would better serve the public in the long run.

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Pulling was sentenced to two years suspended for two years and was ordered to pay £1,000 compensation.

Eglintine was sentenced to 20 months suspended for two years. Both must complete rehabilitation programmes.

Rutherford was sentenced to two years behind bars.

The judge also imposed a ten-year restraining order on the men.