More than 300 illegal vapes seized in South Tyneside as part of a crackdown on sales to under-18s

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More than 300 illegal vapes have been seized as part of “continued proactive enforcement” action taken following a motion in South Tyneside to prevent e-cigarettes being used by under 18s.

It was agreed at an authority-wide meeting of South Tyneside Council in September 2023 for the council to take numerous steps to tackle issues associated with vaping, especially linked to children.

This also included promoting the recycling of disposable vapes amid concerns over the “significant impact” the waste can have on the environment and writing to MPs over the issue.

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At the latest meeting of the council’s overview and scrutiny coordinating and call-in committee on Wednesday, May 29, officers provided a report which offered an update on the motions received by full council in 2023/24 and the actions taken to date.

Council chiefs noted following the unanimous approval of the vapes motion, proposed by councillor Shane Smith and signed by 11 Labour councillors, numerous steps have been taken to ensure regulations around the sale and safe disposal of vapes are enforced.

The report from officers noted the council’s trading standards team has visited small and medium retailers to check the disposable e-cigarettes and vapes they were offering for sale were compliant with the law.

South Shields Town Hall.South Shields Town Hall.
South Shields Town Hall. | Other 3rd Party

Retailers were provided with written guidance regarding what to watch out for when purchasing vapes to sell in their stores in order for those vapes to comply with the regulations.

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During the visits, which were initially advisory, they were also reminded of their obligations around it being illegal to sell vapes to people under the age of 18.

Officers noted an operation in November 2023 saw seven vape test purchase attempts by persons under the age of 18 and no sales were made.

However of the 71 retailers visited 22 of them were found to be offering for sale vapes which were not compliant with regulations.

This was mainly due to the labelling on the packaging, the amount of nicotine present, and whether they had been notified to the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).

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Council officers stressed during 2024 they are revisiting retail premises where non-compliant vapes were being sold and if more are found then they will be seized, and enforcement action taken against those retailers.

The report noted the council has recently carried out seizures of non-compliant vapes whilst visiting retailers who they believed to be selling illicit tobacco products and illegal vapes.

During visits to five retail premises in the borough the council seized a total of 309 illegal vapes and investigations are continuing which may result in closure orders.

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Council officers stressed this work is “ongoing and may result in further seizures and investigations”.

Elsewhere the local authority has “recognised and commended schools in the borough for the important work they have been doing in making children aware of the dangers of using vapes”.

The motion had called for the council to continue to work with schools to make them aware of tool kits and resources available to raise awareness amongst children and parents.

The council has also held several discussions with the secondary heads and other groups regarding vaping.

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Reports noted schools have revised their policies with measures for vaping in line with those for smoking and have worked with public health officers on preventative messaging.

Public health colleagues are also currently updating and repeating the “healthy schools” session on smoking and vaping to ensure the right messages are being put across from teaching staff to young people.

The report confirmed the council wrote to MPs over the issue, who both replied to the local authority and also sent their own subsequent letters to government ministers

Additionally following the motion the council has advertised how residents can safely recycle their vapes at the Middlefields Recycling Village and have encouraged retailers to ensure electrical recycling points are available in store.