Firefighters called to toddler in South Tyneside with potty stuck on her head

Clara-Mae Davey faces her Peppa Pig potty head on.Clara-Mae Davey faces her Peppa Pig potty head on.
Clara-Mae Davey faces her Peppa Pig potty head on.
A fun-loving toddler got more than she bargained for when she got a potty stuck on her head.

Firefighters had to be called to free South Shields two-year-old Clara-Mae Davey from the plastic ring.

Mum, Chloe Clark, said she tried to remove the potty, but it wouldn’t come over her daughter’s head.

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Clara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head. Picture by FRANK REIDClara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head. Picture by FRANK REID
Clara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head. Picture by FRANK REID

The 22-year-old, said: “She started holding it up to her face and said ‘I can see you mammy’ then the next thing I knew it was round her neck.

“I laughed at first, but then I tried to take it off and realised it was stuck and she started to panic.

“I thought if she got it on so easily, it would come off as easily, but the fireman said she had put it on upside down which was why if wouldn’t just slip up over her head.”

The mum-of-one said Clara-Mae started to get a bit upset when the game turned sour on Friday morning.

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Clara-Mae Davey (2) with her head stuck in her potty trainer. Picture by family member.Clara-Mae Davey (2) with her head stuck in her potty trainer. Picture by family member.
Clara-Mae Davey (2) with her head stuck in her potty trainer. Picture by family member.

Chloe, who lives with her little girl in Melbourne Gardens, said she started contacting people to ask for advice because she didn’t want to bother the emergency services.

She said: “I messaged some friends to see if they had any ideas. People were saying ‘cut it off’ but I didn’t have any tools.

“I phoned my mam at work and she said I would have to phone the fire brigade if I couldn’t get it off.”

Chloe said she was embarrassed when the engine turned up in the street with flashing lights to get a potty off her daughter’s head, but the firefighters were all lovely with the tot and she is very grateful to them.

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Clara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head.Clara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head.
Clara-Mae Davey (2) playing with her toys and the potty trainer that became stuck on her head.

The red-faced mum, said: “At least it was clean thankfully. It is just like her for something like this to happen, she is so clumsy.”

A spokesman for Tyne and Wear Fire Service, said: “Our firefighter just tried to make it into a bit of a game for her and used small pliers to cut it off.”

She said it only took a couple of minutes and Clara-Mae was fine following her ordeal.

This was the second potty incident Southb Shields firefighters have had to deal with in just a few weeks.

Last month they were called to free a two-year-old boy who had a potty stuck on his head at Aldi Supermarket, in Chichester Road.

In this incident a small hacksaw was used to safely remove it.