Good times at The Tavern in South Shields

The Tudor Bar in The Tavern Night Club in December 1970.The Tudor Bar in The Tavern Night Club in December 1970.
The Tudor Bar in The Tavern Night Club in December 1970.
Seeing a picture of 'guests thronging the Tudor Bar' in The Tavern Night Club, in South Shields, brought back all sorts of memories, including the venue's Hurdy Gurdy discos.

Some people thought the photo, posted on Facebook, was taken at The Latino nightspot, but the caption on the back, along with that of the accompanying image, confirms that the picture was taken at the Tavern in December 1970.

David Storey posted: “Loved the Tavern, had some good times there. Happy days.”

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December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.
December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.

Carol Reay remembers: “Tavern was great back then, bands were great” while Linda Charlton revealed that she “went to opening night. Only 16 or 17, with Alex x.”

Ann Gibson says: “Loved the Thursday nights” as did Brenda Armour, who recalls “Thursday night you could win prizes.”

Linda Robinson said: “Tavern was brilliant for live groups and singers of the 70s. Loved the Hurdy Gurdy disco. Happy days.”

Agnes George agreed, saying: “Saw quite a few good acts on there.”

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December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.
December 1970 and a photo of the new Tavern.

Also remembering the Hurdy Gurdy days was Marie Smith, who asked: “What about the Hurdy Gurdy? Loved it in there, northern soul.”

Bill Binks got in touch to says: “Loved it, the swing doors that you went through into the Hurdy Gurdy room.”

Judith Payne recalled those days with affection. “Some brilliant nights in there,” she says.

Keith Ford confirmed that he used to go there, saying: “My wife and I used to go about 50 years ago” while Jennifer Pybus Hady celebrated her 21st birthday there and Sarah Rodham revealed that “my mam met my dad in here.”

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Others who went online to say they went to the Tavern were Roy Logan, who posted “great place” while Pauline Clouston said “certainly did.”

Gemma Tinsley said: “Susan Parkin I’m certain I’ve heard you talk about this place” while Karen Johnston exclaimed “Eeeeh I loved it.”

Joan Greaves was also quick to sing the priases of The Tavern, “Had some great nights there x” while Jackie Malloy said simply: “Loved it!”

Dave Baker revealed: “That’s me at the bar, far right with the dark glasses. Can u believe it omg.”

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Liz Anderson was one of those who had her doubts about the actual venue. She said: “Can’t remember anyone dressing like that at the Tavern, that looks more like the Latino era.”

Derek Williamson suggests: “Photo is before the Tavern” while Jean Broughton McDonald and Stan Henry and both convinced that the picture was taken in the Latino.”

Marjorie Joseph posted “Latino” while William A Elsy commented: “God yes, all those booths in front of the stage always semi-darkness and bouncers that didn’t think twice. Fifty years yers ago it was the Latino, a little later the Tavern, and a younger cloud the oldies went to the La Strada and the mid group to the Hedworth. After a few at the Birdcage in the County. Good days.”

Stephen Griffin asks: “Wht was the resident band called in the early 70s? Remember the Ranch House had the first microwave to heat up hamburger!”

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Lesley H Eslop (was Topham) said: “Love these old photos Shields Gazette.”

Waldo Jeffers posted: “Him on the far right is a proper cool cat isn’t he?” while Barbara Farnan said “looks like everyone is having a wild time” and Kezza Clift added “That looks like Stan Henry in the middle, but could be wrong.”

What are your memories of The Tavern?

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