Knife robbery at South Shields newsagents

JVC News, in Prince Edward Road, South Shields. Copyright Google Maps.JVC News, in Prince Edward Road, South Shields. Copyright Google Maps.
JVC News, in Prince Edward Road, South Shields. Copyright Google Maps.
Police are hunting a knife raider who robbed a newsagents in South Shields.

The robbery happened at 7.50am on Saturday, May 14, at JVS News in Prince Edward Road.

The man, whose face was covered, went into the store and held a knife at the shop assistant, demanding money.

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He then made off on a bike with a quantity of cash, cycling along Centenary Avenue.

The shop assistant was not injured in the incident, but was left shaken.

The offender is described as white, medium build, wearing a black hip-length jacket with the hood pulled up and a grey/navy peaked cap underneath.

He had a black scarf covering his lower face, black Adidas tracksuit bottoms with thick stripes down each leg, and all black trainers or shoes.

Any witnesses are asked to contact Northumbria Police on 101 quoting reference 288 140516 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.