MP for South Tyneside says 'country couldn't cope' with another Brexit vote

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
An MP for South Tyneside says the 'country couldn't cope' with another Brexit referendum.

Emma Lewell-Buck, MP for South Shields, said she would not be backing calls for another public vote on leaving the EU.

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Emma Lewell-Buck, MP for South Shields.Emma Lewell-Buck, MP for South Shields.
Emma Lewell-Buck, MP for South Shields.

And 86% of those who took part said they were pleased with Jeremy Corbyn's support for a second referendum.

The party leader revealed this week that Labour would put forward or support an amendment in favour of a public vote, if his party's Brexit demands were not met. When tabled on Wednesday in Commons, they were rejected.

However, Mrs Lewell-Buck, said this is not something she feels she could back.

The MP said: "The MP has said negotiations are still ongoing and we need to see what she comes back with.

"I can't support a second referendum.

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"I have said to my constituents that I would do my upmost to deliver what they asked for."

Mrs Lewell-Buck said she believes the public are very angry and the whole Brexit situation has caused a lot of divides.

She said: "I don't think the fabric of our country could cope with another referendum, people are angry and they want us to get on with things.

"I don't see how putting this back to the people can solve these problems."

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Prime Minister Theresa May also said this week that MPs would be allowed to vote on blocking a no-deal Brexit and extending Article 50 if her Withdrawal Agreement loses at a "meaningful" vote on March 12.

More than 1,190 supported Labour's call for a second vote in the Gazette's online poll.

But, despite the result, some on social media hailed a second referendum as the "end to democracy" and a "stab in the back" by Labour.

Some Remain voters on our social media pages also said they respected the result of the original referendum vote, despite not feeling the same way.

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Carol Henton, said: "I voted to stay, however as we live in a democratic society, I accepted that we would be leaving the EU."

Phil Bryden, added: "Any politician calling for a second referendum should resign."

Chris Marshall, said: "Not all of South Tyneside voted to leave. Just putting that out there."

Viv Harding, said: "A lot of people voted leave based on the lies of the politicians - I know people I've spoken to who have said that. We need to bring it back to the people."

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And, Andrew McIntosh said: "I voted remain and would only support a second referendum if it was to leave with No Deal or delay UNTIL a suitable package is agreed by the majority of the HOC (with a set timescale to achieve that agreement)."