South Shields cat shelter chief’s plea for more helpers

APPEAL ... Maria Harrison of Willows Cat Adoption Centre.APPEAL ... Maria Harrison of Willows Cat Adoption Centre.
APPEAL ... Maria Harrison of Willows Cat Adoption Centre.
VOLUNTEERS are needed to help a South Tyneside cat shelter run purrrfectly.

Maria Harrison, who runs Willows Cat Adoption Centre in Wantage Street, South Shields, is looking for people to help out with their homeless cats during the week.

The volunteers would be responsible for caring for the abandoned animals, cleaning them, and recording their daily activities, such as food and water intake.

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Maria, who has run the charity for more than 40 years, said: “Ideally I’d like a more mature person to get in touch, perhaps someone who has retired.

“That’s only because they will probably have more time and won’t have to leave after a few weeks to start a job or go off to university.”

The volunteers would have to give up only one morning a week, ideally between the hours of 8.30am and 11am, but the charity can be quite flexible.

All training will be provided by Maria and her team.

She said: “We don’t expect people to give up every morning.

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“That’s why we try to have a few volunteers, then people are only coming in once a week. This means that they genuinely look forward to spending time at the centre and with the cats.

“We usually have between 12 to 14 cats in at any one time, so there’s always plenty to do.

“This job is perfect for someone who might have a few spare hours a week.”

The centre is also looking for people to help out with its cat café.

This is held every Monday between 11am to 2pm.

People can go along, meet the cats and enjoy a cup of coffee and some cake.

To help out, or for more information, call Maria on 5366 221 or 07719 605 383.

Twitter: @ShieldsGazVez